The primary reason that I have to go to the office every day is that I am not a genius. If I were a genius, I would have already invented something by now that would have made me millions.
For example, I would have invented the show Dinosaur Train. After all, when thinking of the perfect show to market to 4-year old boys, you'd think, "What do 4-year old boys like the most?" The answer, of course, is "dinosaurs and trains." I didn't figure this out. Some other guy did. He golfs 18 after dropping the kids off at daycare. In a gold helicopter.
At least I can reap the benefits of Dinosaur Train. One benefit is that both of my oldest boys, M and J, know how to correctly pronounce many more dinosaur names than I ever dreamed of. This was made apparent to me this evening, as I sat on the couch with a dinosaur book and patiently worked with M - or, better, he worked with me - on the correct way to say "ankylosaurus." For the record, that's one of these things.
Beautiful, no? Anyway, they are very cool, and M insisted that the name is pronounced "ANG-ki-lo-SAUR-us."
Big surprise - when I looked it up in the book, he was right.
I still can't say it correctly.
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